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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Life doesn't have to be all work no play...

Updated: May 26, 2022

Add some fun and adventure to your life

What is the point of life if you're not doing things that bring you joy?

This weekend I celebrated my 26th birthday. I had the most fun I've had in a REALLY long time. A weekend full of food, cocktails, shots, dancing, singing, laughter, and did I mention...Food? I spent the last year working hard at my 9-5 (that I hated), writing and editing my first book, making motivational videos, working out at 4:00 am, taking care of my home, my dogs, and my boyfriend. I didn't make enough time to have some fun.

Above is a clear representation of what you do when you are drunk and clearly don't get out often...

Point is, don't get stuck in a rat race. Don't drown yourself in work.

Avoid burn out by...

Doing stupid shit like putting a cone on your head while walking home from the bar. Take a vacation or a spontaneous weekend getaway. In September 2021 I took a day trip, solo, to the beach. I caught the sunrise as I was going over the bridge and right then I just knew it was going to be a great day. I spent the next eight hours on the beach writing, journaling, and being fully present in that moment. I put my feet in the sand and in the water. I enjoyed my own company as I went from reflecting in my journal to reading a book all while the sun was beaming on my face. I was soaking up each moment and damn did it feel great... I felt grounded and connected to my higher power. I cleared my head that day of all negativity and made space for all the good that was to come.

There's something magical about going off on your own and just taking it all in. I will probably talk about that day for years because that's how much fun I had. It was pure bliss. Sitting on that beach all by myself, just taking it all in. My gratitude was endless, and as you can probably tell, I am still wildly grateful for that day. The peace and inspiration I felt that day is unmatched. Whereas, this weekend, I drank way more than ever, sang and danced my heart out with the love of my life. Two completely opposite mini vacays. Still a weekend I will cherish forever.

There are so many different ways in this big world to let loose and find joy in the present moment. I don't want to just waste my life away constantly working and only having random moments that light my soul on fire. I decided that in my 26th year I will add many more adventures, fun weekends, mini getaways, and joy.

Take a vow with me...

Let's decide right here, right now, that we will no longer live week by week without making time to have fun. Let's vow to each other that we will CREATE time to enjoy ourselves in some way, each week. The only way to avoid burn out is to let loose.

So now... I challenge you to create a joy list. This is a list filled with all of the things that bring a smile to your face and make your heart beat a little faster. All the smallest and biggest things that get you in a positive mindset. My joy list is pages long now but I will give you a shortened version so you have an idea of what one looks like.

The things that light me up:

Having coffee out back/on a porch/balcony (basically somewhere outside), watching the sunrise, watching the sunrise on a beach with a coffee (see what I did there..), deep conversations, journaling on my deck early in the morning, trying new restaurants, delicious meals, going out in a sexy outfit, Brian cooking me dinner, back rubs, new clothes/accessories/bags/shoes, driving on the highway at night with the windows down mid-summer, road trips, California air, Florida sunshine, hiking of any sort/anywhere, brainstorming ideas/goals, sitting by a fire pit with friends and having meaningful conversation, reading with a glass of white wine, reading outside, amusement parks, rollercoasters, chocolate cake, traveling to other countries, lifting heavier weights, writing my book, creating motivational videos, inspiring other people...

I could literally go on forever... Do you see how I added something as small as chocolate cake and as big as traveling to another country? Your joy list must consist of things you can do in every day life and things that you might have to plan for first. Either way, all of these things (and many more) put a smile on my face. Now, whenever I'm feeling off or down I can return to my joy list and find something I can do in that moment to make myself feel better, to up my energy.

Now, go create your joy list and watch has you add new things to that list everyday.

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