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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Your body is speaking to you, it's time for you to listen.

For years I allowed this devil on my shoulder to sabotage me, my well being, and in turn... My success.

Any time I would rest, relax, take a break from the every day grind these thoughts would swirl... Stop being so lazy, if you want to be successful you need to work harder, you don't get the privilege of relaxing, you're worthless if you are not doing doing doing, this is why you haven't achieved the success you hoped for by now. Oh man, the thoughts that would come up for me. That sabotaging voice that did not come from within. It wasn't my inner knowing.

I knew that it wasn't my intuition saying those things. Intuition, your inner knowing is a calm feeling. Fear comes through as racing thoughts and anxiety. But even after I learned that, it was still so difficult to stop listening to that fear.

I started learning more deeply about my body but as I learned more, I felt this anger because I should've been taught this long before 27 years old. This resentment towards our patriarchal system that is and always has been centered around men. See here's the thing, as women from childhood, we aren't taught about the true anatomy of our bodies and our hormones and how they profoundly impact our lives. (More on this later as I do more and more research and studying). We owe it to ourselves to do our own research, to learn about just how magical and miraculous our bodies truly are. But learning more about my female body and all of its glory... I have finally been able to rest, free of guilt.

Being able to rest without feeling like I'm a failure for it or without feeling like all progress is lost has been a crucial shift in my life. Think about it, you need rest days from the gym so your muscles can properly recover. Rest is essential for your growth in your life, too.

I spent nearly two days on the couch this weekend, I called off my day job, I took a few days off from the gym. I wasn't feeling well and my body was begging for rest. Body aches, migraines, feeling light headed, and overly fatigued. These were signals from my body to rest and I listened. But old me wouldn't have listened. Old me maybe would have gone to sleep earlier but I still would've headed into my day job, went to the gym for an hour, and kept the house clean.

Even when I got physically ill in the past, I'd spend my time resting stressing myself out about all the things I should be doing. All the house chores that are undone. The projects calling my name. The episodes to be recorded. Any time I did spend giving myself the rest I needed, I used to experience racing thoughts of how my time would be better spent.

Not anymore and I share this with you in hopes of waking you up too... Rest, relaxation is a key ingredient to crushing your goals without getting burnt out along the way.

Your body also tells you what foods love you back and which ones are not good for you. Your reaction to what you eat is how you can tell what is BEST for you. In a society that thrives on telling us what we should do, shouldn't do, what foods are actually healthy (so much controversy on what truly is), what medicines to pump into our bodies without trying something natural first... Shall I go on?

Are you convinced yet? Have I sold you on this idea... The fact that your body will tell you exactly what's up? I could each spinach or almonds and get energy, you could eat one of those and experience bloat despite both of those being advertised as healthy. 6-7 hours of sleep is best for me but for you maybe you need 8-9 hours per night to feel fully rested.

When you listen to your body, you can let go of the thousands of contradicting opinions out there on what you should be doing

Every time I scroll on a social media app I see many - wildly different - opinions from a variety of people on what's good for me and what isn't. But I've learned that only I know what's best for me. Which is why I am writing this blog for you today. Only you know what is best for you BUT only if you begin to tune into your body.

Taking this even further, you become disconnected from your true self - your inner knowing - when you don't even listen to the physical signals your body gives off. I spent most off my life disconnected from my body. Eight years ago I lived off of fast food. Rarely eating home cooked meals. No type of sleeping schedule. That changed as soon as I got myself out of a dark place but it didn't happen over night. It wasn't until 2020 that I started being conscious of what I put into my body. And I didn't learn about hormone health until 2023. All of this to say, I started making changes as soon as I learned about hormone health.

I started really listening to my body. Listening to the signs and signals. Not just taking ibprophen when experiencing pain or overeating foods full of gluten. I am writing this blog for you to hold the door in case it hasn't been opened for you yet. I'll hold the door for you but you must step into it and do your own research. I'm no expert and I won't teach on this further until I know more. Until I understand on a deeper level.

For now, I can tell you with absolute certainty that your body is speaking to you and it is time for you to listen to her.

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you!

XX, Dana

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