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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Yes, you can.

2022 is coming to an end. As we enter into a new chapter of your life, I want you to keep this clear in your mind. Yes, you can. It's a simple phrase I know, but it holds so much value. That negative voice in your head tells you that you can't. You feed that voice every time you allow it to stop you and then it just gets stronger. It becomes a story we tell ourselves, you can't take that financial risk towards your dreams because you have kids at home. You can't because you don't have time. You can't because you need to take care of everyone else.

Truth is, you can, your problem is that you keep telling yourself you can't. As I am doing my end of the year review the last few weeks I have had to come to terms with something that was difficult for me to face. I am in the same position as last year in the financial area of my life. It takes a lot for me to share this because I have had a difficult relationship with money. I was taught to believe it's the root of all evil, there's never enough of it, etc. Remember, our beliefs determine our life. My financial situation has been a direct reflection of the energy I've maintained around it.

But the thing about life is that you will be faced with the same lessons over and over again until you learn from it and actually make major changes. Being an entrepreneur while also needing to bring in an income from a 9-5 gig, is fucking hard. But I have been blocking my own blessings simply by playing it safe because every time a risky opportunity presented itself I told myself I couldn't do it because of what the people closest to me would think or say or do. I told myself all these stories to back up my excuse of "I can't". The only reason I couldn't, is because I kept telling myself those stories.

Playing it safes, keeps you stuck in the safe zone.

I have grown in so many areas and achieved most of the goals I wanted to achieve by then end of this year. But if there's one major goal of mine each year, it's to not go into each new year doing the same behaviors and actions that no longer serve me.

We could all use this reminder. Playing it safe just keeps you safe. There's no room for growth in that comfort zone. This realization in my end of year review was a big one, something so hard for me to face. There were times in this year that I didn't play it safe in this area and I received blessings each time I took those small leaps in those times that I ditched my limiting beliefs. But I allowed my living beliefs surrounding money and my career to creep back in. I took what I could get and sold myself short in that area, I own that and hold myself accountable so that I don't make the same mistakes in 2023.

Ask yourself, what ways did you play it safe this year? When did you tell yourself you couldn't do something that you damn well could have if you just believed in yourself more? Think of this in every area of your life. In your romantic relationship, your finances, your career. Think of this spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally. Did you really want to find a partner this year but never even put yourself out there? Maybe you have a significant other who you want t take the next steps with but told yourself you can't because it's not the right time. Did you tell yourself in January 2022 that you would finally start going to the gym and didn't? Maybe you wanted to start therapy and talked yourself out of it or stayed at that job you hate because it's safer than looking for something new.

How bad do you want it?

Align your actions with who you want to be this year. If you want to be financially free, adjust your spending habits and be open to new sources of income. Want to find the love of your life? Focus on loving yourself properly and maybe this year you will meet someone who loves you unconditionally. Do you want to manifest the the life of your dreams? Mediate, there are thousands of different meditations and I can guarantee you will find one that works for you. Do you want to get health this year? Make small but meaningful changes to your nutrition and MOVE YOUR BODY 30 minutes every single day and take your damn vitamins.

You can do it. The question is not, "can you do it?". The real question is, "how bad do you want it?". I have a stick on my desk top that says "HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?", I looked at that sticker so much in the last month of me finishing the edits on my book and it kept me going.

As always, have great fucking day. Remember, you are entirely up to you.

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