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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

What if it all worked out?

If you are reading this on November 23rd, there's a new moon today and it's in sagittarius. New moons represent the beginning of a new cycle. a full moon represents letting go and the new moon gives us incentive to start fresh. New moons are a perfect time for setting goals.

Basically, it's time to elevate your life. It's time to amp up your desires and be ready to take action in the weeks ahead. I won't get into the nitty gritty details of this new moon cycle as I know some of you are still weary of this "woo-woo" shit, but stay with me if you want to understand what this time means for you. We will all be experienced passionate and bold energy as the new moon is in the fire sign sagittarius. Be ready to feel urged to sprint forward towards your goals. This is prime time for starting projects or creating traction with a project you are already working on.

The moon cycle affects everyone, whether you "believe" in it or not, it affects you. As I have become more intentional with my spiritual work, I've become more connected with the moon. TMI but my period is in sync with the full moon schedule, it always comes either right before or during the full moon, no bullshit.

This new moon represents fiery energy. I can feel it in the work I have been doing this week and the inspiration I have felt. I bet you have been feeling the affects of it already too without even realizing it. During this time, if you are feeling called to start a new project, go for it. Take the risk. It's time to feel into your potential and set major freaking intentions for your future. I see it all the time, in myself and in the people around me, we sell ourselves short. When we don't see the traction we want to see, we quit o

r we deem ourselves failures. But my darling, now is your time to become aligned with how truly powerful and talented you are.

Allow any negativity you have been feeling to fade

Instead of allowing fear to take over and get you stuck in your head thinking of all the negative what ifs I challenge you right now to choose a different perspective and there's no better time to do that than during a new moon. What if it all works out? What if you are on the right path? What if your career takes off this year? What if you finally get that major opportunity you have been working towards? What if your business makes hundreds of thousands this year? What if you finally launch that podcast and it becomes wildly successful? What if you try just one more time and you do get pregnant? What if you your boss finally gives you that promotion?

We get so caught up in fear that we forget we can flip the script. You can change your perspective at any moment and now is the time to do that. Let go of those negative stories that you keep repeating to yourself. Let go of the doubts that fill your head each day. It's time to set new fucking intentions for your life. Those old stories and ways of self sabotaging out fear are not serving you anymore. Stop letting your fear keep you in your comfort zone because let's be real, your comfort zone isn't a great place to be because there's no room for growth there.

This new moon awakens our inner-adventurer. Allow that adventurer in so that your optimistic side can shine. Take that leap of faith towards that goal that scares the fucking shit out of you. Take the risk if it means you could potentially be closer to where you want to be. This is not a time to play it safe.

It's time for an energy reset

Yup, that's right. It's time to evaluate your energy. I do my research and all I've seen on social media lately is a lot of complainers and bad energy. I'm not afraid to say it and don't take offense because we have all been there before. Choose better energy now. During this time, the new moon meets with the sun as we begin a new lunar cycle. A representation of new vibes. Each beginning of a cycle reminds us that new opportunities, vibes, and a fresh perspective is in store for us.

Daylights savings kicked a lot of our asses and it showed. A ton of low-vibe energy has been flowing around. It's time to ditch those negative mindsets and let the light in. Let go of those limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a place you don't even want to be in. At any moment, new moon or not, you can choose a new perspective by looking at the bigger picture. We get so caught up in the every day struggles that we lose sight of the beauty. Think of your limiting beliefs as a ceiling you are creating for yourself. That ceiling is stunting your growth which creates a negative energy around you.

Sky is the limit by Lil Wayne has been my favorite since I was like 7 years old rapping every word in my dads red Monte Carlo. But it makes much more sense to me now why I have always been drawn to that song. The sky really is the limit and yet we create ceilings for ourselves as a way of self sabotaging because of our fears of the unknown.

Think big picture

Last night I had a crazy dream which didn't surprise me at all because I feel deeply connected to the moon and it's cycles. This dream was like no other. It was a collection of my past experiences but in a way I can't even explain. It was like a quick flash of my past but all in one house that I used to live in. It was filled with people from my past, feelings from my past, words that people said to me, thoughts I had back then, truly unlike any dream I had before. And yet, Brian was there holding my had pulling me towards my future the entire dream. It was a powerful message and symbol. This dream symbolized that major fucking change is happening now.

This came as no surprise to me because the new moon represents new change and wild possibilities. I have been feeling this coming for awhile, huge shifts and opportunities on their way to me. When I was doing my morning meditation, the deep meaning behind the dream hit me all at once. I realized that I am being guided towards this fresh new chapter in my life. A reminder that all the experiences, good, bad, amazing, and fucking horrible - have all led me here to this moment.

I was unsure of whether I should share this sacred experience with you but something compelled me to write this blog and be vulnerable with you. My intention is to inspire you to open yourself up so that you can receive a powerful message during this new moon cycle too. I want you to dig deep right now so that you can be open to the opportunities that are knocking at your door during this unique time.

And I will leave you with this one question to sit with:

How can you dream bigger and elevate your perception right now?

And lastly, some new moon affirmations...

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you.

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