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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

What does it mean to be intentional?

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Being intentional means to do something with an intention in mind. So often in life we just go through the motions. Moving so quick that we don't even think about more than half of what we do. Day in and day out we check off things from our "to-do" lists and rarely stop to think, why am I doing this?

I started 2023 being intentional in so many ways.

Intentional eating

I started this year off doing a cleanse. Ever since Brian and I got engaged we were drinking a lot, eating a lot, and just livin it up. We were super busy and were not as consistent with the gym. Naturally, I lost some muscle and gained some fat. But more importantly, I felt like shit. I was bloated constantly, using coffee as my main source of energy, and lacking nutrition. I could feel the effects of eating mainly "bad" foods and not working out every day.

This cleanse is considered a diet which I am usually totally against because I don't believe in quick fixes anymore. But a cleanse/diet is a great way to build a better habit of eating. Anyone else an emotional eater, an over eater? I totally am and I'm a huge snacker. I am such a foodie so I will definitely over eat if I am super happy or sad. When you have this habit, it's difficult to eat more intentionally, but it's not impossible.

Intentional eating is just being aware of what you are putting into your body. Having an intention to feel healthy, to feel good physically, is to choose to fuel your body with nutritious foods. Choose foods that love you back. When you intention is to feel good, you can still eat food that you love but you choose more wisely. Food is the key to your health and it's insane that it's not talked about more. Half of the food in the grocery stores are not foods that love you back. Your health should be a top priority.

Intentional habits

Habits are small actions we do every day that take little to no thought. Brushing your teeth, using the bathroom when you wake up, taking a shower, etc. You may have more negative habits then you realize. For example, you may open social media apps every time you are on your phone and mindlessly scroll. You may eat a lot of snacks while cooking dinner. Maybe you text and drive (yes that a habit). You may have a bad habit of not flushing the toilet or watching too much TV in a week or sleeping more than 10 hours in a day.

Habits are what determines your success or lack of success. Habits determine your mood. Your habits are everything. When you know what you want, your habits should be in alignment with your desires and goals. Intentionally setting habits is vital to your success in anything. When you are intentional about setting new habits by using the habit stack method, you set yourself up for greatness.

I have a bad habit of using my phone in the bathroom and I will scroll social media most during that time. Maybe that's TMI but we're all adults here. In order to get rid of a bad habit, you must replace it with something better. habit stacking is attaching a new habit to an old one. Want to love yourself more? Say affirmations after you brush your teeth, that's habit stacking.

Intentional manifesting

Energy is probably one of the hardest yet most simple things to align with your intentions. You can be working towards something tirelessly and not see any traction because your energy is off.

Manifesting is based on your energy. If your thoughts are negative, your energy will be, and what you receive will match that. If you are constantly focused on lack, your energy will be low, and you will continue to receive more lack.

When you are intentional with manifesting, you align your energy with what you desire. You feel grateful for the abundance that is on it's what to you. Your energy is in alignment with abundance because you are being intentional in focusing on gratitude for what you have. You choose feel good emotions, you spread light and love, and in return your receive abundance.

Being intentional with your time

Know yourself well enough to be intentional with your time. Learn what times in a day you produce your best energy and in turn, do your best work. Learn what time your energy starts to decrease and therefore, your creativity isn't at it's highest. How do you spend each hour of each day? No really, how? Be honest with yourself when thinking of this question. Journal on the answer.

Do you spend most of your "free" time watching TV or scrolling social media? If so, are you using those as escapes or as a way to procrastinate? Do you wake up and scroll social media instantly instead of taking time for yourself? What is your routine like before bed?

This is where creating habits comes in. If you want to be successful stop wasting so many hours in a day. If you want to relax on the couch I am all for that, as long as you aren't spending hours being a couch potato every single day watching TV. Read a book. Stretch or do yoga (a great way to relax). Take a bath. Play a game that gets your brain working. The most successful or happiest people in the world don't spend their days watching TV or playing XBOX or scrolling social media.

Once you evaluate how you spend your time, is it in alignment with where you're going or who you want to be?

I'm not saying never watch TV or play Xbox or lounge around, but I am saying be more intentional with your time. Maybe read 10 pages of a book before turning on the TV or do 10 mins of stretching or listen to a podcast or meditate or set an hour to watch TV and don't go over the limit. Even better, set a social media time limit on your phone.

Intentional actions create intentional results

Ask yourself now, how will you be more intentional in each area of your life? Think of small ways to start. For example, if you want to stop having a poor diet, start by eliminating one thing like fast food or take out. If you want to change your habit of scrolling social media all day, start by deleting the apps for a week. If you want to align your energy with your desires, start by meditating for just 5 minutes per day. Start small and work your way up.

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you!

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