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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

We have 6 months left in 2022

How freaking insane is that? Is it just me or is that crazy? I feel like I have lived a lifetime in these last six months while also feeling like it flew by in a second. Although, I am not surprised because that seems to be the theme of my life.

I love an opportunity to evaluate where I am currently at in order to ensure I stay (or get back) on track with what I want to accomplish. I take a close look on what is working and what is not working quite often in my life. I do it at the beginning of the year (or just before the beginning), every 3 months, a big review on my birthday (May), half way mark, and another big evaluation when there's only 90 days left in the year. So, basically, every 90 days plus the week of my birthday.

My intention with teaching you this practice is that you will take serious action towards your goals and dreams after doing this with me. I believe it is extremely important to set an intention so before doing this practice I challenge you to set an intention.

I know what you're thinking, what does a review/evaluation look like, what the hell does that mean? I'm so glad you asked...

I like to break it down into categories when doing a big review but you can do this every 90 days too, whatever makes your heart happy and keeps you on track. The categories are usually: Personal (how I am taking care of myself each day), Work (for me I currently work a "9-5" that I don't plan on staying at so this category is for my passions, my true work), Relationship (this is a top priority for me), Fun/adventure/etc, and time with family/friends. You may have different categories than me which is totally fine, mine have changed over time. You can adjust what I do to be more aligned with your life this is just an example to help you get started.

First: Congratulate yourself for what has worked/is still working for you. These are usually the habits you have ingrained or the work you are putting in that brings you closer to yourself and your goals. Do this for each category. Get freakin' specific people, jot down all the juicy details, get excited.

Second: What didn't/hasn't been working? Maybe you dropped a positive habit and replaced it with something that is creating distance between where you are now and where you want to be. Maybe you have been drinking too much or going out too much. Maybe you haven't had enough time with your people or fun or adventure in your life. Maybe you are feeling off balance and out of wack because you are either working too hard or not working enough. Maybe you keep putting off that thing you know you NEED to do. PSA: SHOW YOURSELF SOME DAMN GRACE DURING THIS STEP. This practice is designed to help you not hurt you. Don't start throwing yourself a pity party and dwelling on what you didn't do. Instead, feel gratitude for the fact that you have discovered what needs to change or what needs some work.

Third: Okay people this is the fun part. It's time to get the juices in your brain flowing and get creative. What habits will you continue? What habits will you add? It is so beneficial when creating a new habit to just add it to one you've already mastered, it's called habit stacking. Work smarter not harder am I right? You have figured out what wasn't working, now you can choose what you need to do in these next six months to get you closer to where you want to be in each category. If you're working too hard this is where you will plan some fun and adventure in your life. It's summer so maybe you will plan a hiking trip or a beach day or some time to tan by the pool. You can't pour from an empty cup so be sure to fill yours up so you can get back to work with a fresh mind. If you've been indulging a bit too much, it's time to formulate a plan for how much work you need to incorporate into each day. PSA: PLEASE BE FUCKING REAL WITH YOURSELF HERE! DON'T MAKE EXCUSES AS TO WHY YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME. We make time for the things that are important to us, find the damn time.

The final step is to take freaking action. This practice means absolutely nothing if you don't take the initiative to actually do what you journaled on. You can journal and talk all damn day about what you're going to do but if you don't walk the walk, you'll find yourself in this same position 6 months from now.

I don't know about you but I don't want to be the same version of myself, in the same place, doing the same shit, six months from now. I want to go into 2023 a better, stronger, more accomplished version of myself. I want to do evaluation six months from now and checking off goals in order to add some new ones. You won't get closer to where you want to be by just saying you are going to do something or just saying you are going to make changes. The only way you will get there is by taking major fucking action.

I am so excited to check in with you in three months to see what progress you have made. I will share some of my progress 90 days from now and again before 2023 begins. I hope this practice helps you take major strides forward towards your dreams. Ask yourself this question, how bad do you want it?

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you!

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