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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Stop asking for permission to pursue your dreams

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

Happy fucking new year my friend. I am so pumped for all that's in store, all the growth, evolution, blessings, and inevitably - the failures that are to come. When you are working towards new goals, trying new things, forming new perspectives and taking action in new ways, failure is inevitable. But don't fear failure, embrace it. The only way to become great is to practice, to do it even when it's scary.

I started my podcast finally. It's perfect timing. No more waiting and hoping. I have been writing "I am a podcast host" for over a year now. Honestly, I'm grateful it took this long because well, divine timing. I am no expert, it's going to be a challenge but I am so ready. I stopped waiting for permission to start. I stopped waiting for the "right" time. I stopped seeking reassurance and approval, even from the people I love. I stopped talking about what I was going to do, and started doing it.

In 2023, take action towards your dreams

It's easy to get stuck in the planning stage. Constantly writing down your goals and waiting. It's easy to keep talking about what you're going to do, but it's something entirely different to actually do it. To stop planning and start doing. To silence outside noise, and go for it. Take the risk, take the leap of faith towards your goal. Stop being afraid to fail because one day you will look back on these days and not only laugh but feel gratitude for the process.

I don't expect my first episodes to be perfect. I don't expect to blow up over night. My intention is to serve a larger community. My purpose, where I'm going, and who I want to be are all aligned. This work I'm doing lights me up inside, even when the videos or the blogs or the podcast I produce aren't the absolute best. I feel proud and grateful to serve even one of you who reads and listens. I feel grateful to show you that you are not alone, to be vulnerable in sharing my life with you in hopes of inspiring you in some way.

So today, I hope to inspire you to take action. Do something that will get you closer to your dream. You know that thing you have been wanting to achieve or that action you have been planning to take but always find a reason not to? Do that. Risk people seeing you fail or seeing you not be the best because who knows, you might surprise yourself. Either way, the feeling you get of finally fucking taking big action, is undeniable.

Align your energy with your dream

You won't achieve whatever you are working towards unless you align your energy with that thing. I wouldn't have achieved success if I started my podcast last year because my energy would not have been as high as it is today pertaining to this podcast. I didn't believe in myself and my abilities like I do today. I didn't see the vision as clearly. I wasn't mentally or energetically ready.

Take Jim Carrey for example wrote himself a 10 million dollar check and later received a check for exactly 10 million dollar check for dumb and dumber. He received the check because he visualized over and over. But he didn't just visualize. In his own words "You can't just visualize and then you know just go get a sandwich.". Visualization is key. You must believe in your capabilities and in the work you do. You energy MUST be aligned for you to be successful, no if ands or buts.

This is why I say you must be grateful for the blessings and opportunities that are on their way to you. I am overflowing with gratitude for everything that I currently have and everything that is on its way to me. When I write my 10 goals everyday I feel grateful for having achieved them already. I write them as if I have already achieved them because that's the energy I want to have.

Get your fucking ass up and work - Kim K

I know this quote by Kim K was so controversial, but I love it. Whether you like her or not is irrelevant, forget she said it, we all know it's true. Unless you were handed a silver platter, you've gotta fucking work. You must put the work in to get to where you want to be. No one will do the work for you. You can't manifest the life of your dreams by simply visualizing, work must follow.

You don't need to work yourself to burn out either, you just need to work. As a creator/writer/entrepreneur/podcast host/motivational speaker, I am not creating every single day. Right now (hopefully not for long) I need to work a day job to bring in cash while working on building my career. I have 2 days per week that I go all in on my work. Content days and having specific times and days dedicated to your craft are HUGE for anyone trying to build their career while working a day job while being a great wife or hubby while working on your inner self while being an awesome mommy or daddy.

Where there's a will there's a way. Like I said in previous blog posts, you can do it. It's just about realizing how bad you actually want it. Each season in our lives requires a different version of our selves and different energy and different efforts. No one season will ever be the same. So my loves, how bad do you really want it? Get clear on that because if you don't want it bad enough, you'll never reach the end goal.

P.S. Tune into my instagram each and every Tuesday for a new episode of "Ask me when I'm a Millionaire". My new podcast where I talk about all the things, go watch the first episode now!

As always, have a great fucking day. And remember, you are entirely up to you!

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