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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Remain present in each moment

This is something I heard every freaking personal development coach say, every motivational speaker. Something I saw on Instagram posts, heard in videos and on podcasts. But now, remaining present holds a different meaning to me.

Recently I have been experiencing major fucking shifts in my life, like on a monumental level. I have been leveling up mentally. I don't tell you this to boast or be cocky, I tell you this because I want you to level up mentally with me.

For years I tried to allow everything to "be what it is". For years I tried to stop controlling and forcing and being so damn persistent with how I thought something should be (or who I thought someone should be). But for the longest time, I couldn't seem to figure out HOW to allow. How to stop trying to force everything to go my way.

As I wrote about in my last blog, acceptance and allowing has come up for me a lot recently. So I know you're thinking, HOW? Well, I'll tell ya. I started truly being present in each moment. I am not at all saying I have mastered this. Just the other day I found myself being on my phone while my family was over and as soon as I became aware, I put the phone down. But the thing is, being present doesn't just look like giving your people your full attention. Being present in the moment looks like listening to understand someone not just listening to respond.

Even through the difficult times...

Taking it even further, being truly present is when you are struggling and you're in a situation when your emotions take over. Do you react irrationally before taking time to think? Do you try to run from or escape whatever you are feeling? Do you try to ignore or avoid? I used to react irrationally every single time my emotions took over. I'm not usually an avoider and I usually don't try to escape. Instead, I would try to face the problem or the person head on like a fucking bull in true taurus and unhealthy enneagram 8 nature. I would react without taking a minute to understand my feelings. Sound familiar?

When you are truly practicing being present, you make the conscious effort to sit with the uncomfortable or overwhelming emotions before moving anywhere. You just allow these feelings to be what they are so that you can assess and think before doing anything. By allowing yourself to feel all the things, you open yourself up to a solution and prevent a negative spiral. You don't judge yourself. You just simply allow. When you are ready, you take some time to really think this through and then act according to what you discover.

Especially during the magnificent moments...

Same thing goes for when you are feeling great. So often when something amazing happens in our lives, we tend to rush through it. We don't stop to smell the roses as they say. We don't even give ourselves time to bask in the glory before moving onto the next thing. But when you make the effort to be present with this sensational energy, you find gratitude. When you are grateful you create an energy of abundance which then just attracts more of what you want. Gratitude attracts magic to you. Gratitude attracts miracles into your life. When you are grateful, you are letting the universe or god or whatever higher power you believe in that you are open and ready for more of that goodness. When you operate from an energy of love and gratitude, you call more of that abundant energy to you.

So this week I want you to practice allowing. Practice sitting with your feelings and emotions in each moment. I have experienced monumental shifts lately and have been receiving clear as day signs from the universe since I have committed to being intentional with this practice. My romantic relationship is flourishing, my friendships are blooming, I'm better equipped to deal with negative people or situations, I'm seeing this shift in all areas. I want this for you. I want you to find some peace... No, I want you to create some peace in your life. Remaining present, even in the difficult moments, brings you clarity and peace.

Just an FYI, I have been working towards getting to this place in my life for years. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. For some reason, the simplest habits are the most difficult to adopt. But if you just keep trying and putting in the work and showing yourself grace, it will all come full circle for you like it did for me.

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you!

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