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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

He put a ring on it

One thing you probably don't know about me is that I used to work in the wedding industry and I freaking loved it! Getting to see the process of how buildings and barns and industrial spaces go from huge empty rooms to beautiful set ups is unreal. I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best people in the business and I'm forever grateful for those opportunities.

I swore when I finally got married, it'd be easy peasy. I had already worked n the industry for 5+ years in many different ways and thought I'd have it all figured out. HA! Holy shit was I wrong. There are 275 days left until the big day and my save the dates still haven't gotten delivered to my house. Let's just say I'm way behind!

You get to choose your perspective

I could allow this to stress me out, being behind on save the dates and invitations, but I'm not worried at all. I'm excited to have the best night of my life with the person who means the most to me. I choose to focus on all the positive aspects, I choose to have faith that everything will work out. While I wait for these save the dates to come in so we can send them out, I'm so fucking grateful that this is really happening.

I bet there's something you're worried or stressed about, I'll bet there is more than just one thing. But I encourage you to release the stress you're holding onto. Stress and worry are fear based thoughts and emotions. But you can choose a better emotion and a better feeling at any time. You can choose a fresh perspective.

There are so many things about planning a wedding that I could allow to stress me out on top of all my every day stressors. The financial aspect, the guest list, the timeline, TABLE FUCKING SETTING, etc. I could sit here and make myself feel like shit about the fact that I don't have that many friends and don't speak to a lot of the people I'm related to and so most of the wedding will be Brian's people. If I chose to focus on that, I would wind up so far down a negative spiral that I would feel lost and alone. Especially with social media portraying these huge weddings, it can be discouraging for those of us that don't have much help or don't have big families.

You attract what you think about, if you focus on lack - you receive more lack

I have chosen to focus on us. To focus on how blessed we are to have a love this strong, to have the friends and family that we DO have, to focus on enjoying each step in this process. I'm sure you understand by now that this goes for everything in our life. I'm using my wedding planning as an example but truth is, perspective switch is essential for everything in life. We are having so much fun through it all. We are so excited to have our favorite people stand next to us. We are beyond excited to commit to each other even further. Your wedding could actually suck if you don't learn to love each piece of it.

This goes for your life. If you focus on what you lack always, you will never receive abundance. If you focus on your lack of love, your lack of friends, your lack of money, your lack of support - that's what you will continue to get. Working in the wedding industry I saw plenty of unhappy brides, plenty of stressed out grooms, so much regret and disappointment after the fact because they chose to focus on the wrong things instead of just focusing on each other.

I am faced with this lesson every day and so are you without even realizing it half the time. You get a choice each morning to have a great day or to have a bad one depending on what thoughts you have and carry out. If you wake up being pissed about needing to wake up early, mad at your significant other for leaving their clothes on the floor, annoyed at the traffic on the way to work - you are probably going to have a shit day. Flip those negative thoughts by thinking of 5 quick things you are grateful for, quick 5 minute meditation, wash your face with cold water, literally say out loud " Today is going to be a great fucking day".

You get to decide how great or how horrible your life is

This isn't some woo-woo bullshit. This is fact, this is reality. You want a better life? Start thinking better thoughts. Start creating better energy for yourself. Better thoughts = Better energy. Better energy = better action. Better actions + a great fucking attitude = ABUNDANCE. It's that simple. We complicate it. I'm an overthinker so I get it. It seems hard. It feels hard. It seems too good to be true but you are always one choice away from a better life.

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