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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Gratitude is a super power

I am a member of Gabby Bernstein's Miracle membership where she gives weekly coaching and mediations. This week the meditation is all about appreciation and there's a 10 minute journaling session that follows.

With thanksgiving coming up this week I was already planning on making this blog all about gratitude, so it only fits that this morning I logged into my portal to see this mediation practice. I got out of the shower this morning with great energy. I had an inkling that today was going to be a great fucking day. I decided that it would be. I want you to decide that today, whatever day you are reading this, that today will be a great fucking day for you.

Following this meditation I wrote so many huge and small things that I am grateful for and everything in between. There's this undeniable feeling you get when you start your day off with appreciation and gratitude. It lights you up inside and you carry that energy throughout the rest of your day. When you choose gratitude, you attract more blessings to be grateful for. You receive more when you are constantly choosing to show gratitude.

I do a small gratitude practice every morning but there's nothing like taking 10 minutes to write down every single thing that comes to mind that you appreciate. I want you to go to the "Dear Gabby" podcast and listen to episode 99 which was just posted on Friday. This is an affirmation mediation and it only takes 5 minutes. It's the most simple and effective mediation, I had major breakthroughs when I listened to it the first time a few months ago in my miracle membership.

So often we are just rushing through life. We are moving so fast that we just skip over and miss all the important small moments that could bring us so much joy if we just stopped long enough to embrace them. You would have so much more to be grateful for. This is why meditation is so monumental, it forces you to slow down for a few minutes, to be present, to be connected to something so much bigger than yourself.

Take some time today to slow down

I sent that podcast meditation to my best friend and she experienced a huge release from it. But here's the thing, I have listened to this so many times before, but yesterday I had an inkling to send it to her. That's divine timing right there.

Today I chose to have a slowwwww Sunday morning. Usually, I have so much on my to-do list that I am constantly moving from one thing to the next. But this morning I just knew that I needed to just flow, no time line or mapped out day. As I was mediating, I had another inkling to post this blog. I want to share the great energy I am feeling with you. I am just filled with gratitude and appreciation right now. I am lit all the way up internally with love. Gratitude is love and love is the only feeling that trumps fear and worry.

As thanksgiving approaches it's the perfect time to really soak in all the blessings you have received this year. All the good that has come into your life. The holiday season FLYS by in the blink of an eye, literally. Just yesterday I feel like it was Halloween now it's about to be Thanksgiving. It's time to slow down. Take some deep breaths throw the meditation I urge you to listen to after reading this blog.

But I want you to take the practice of being present even further. Following the mediation I want you to journal. Journal about everything that comes up for you and you will be surprised at what you find. You might even recall the smallest moment that happened months ago in this gratitude journaling practice. You might find yourself writing "I am grateful for that woman who stopped me at the store to tell me how beautiful my hair is or how that she loves my outfit". Think of all the BIGGEST and the SMALLEST moments to find gratitude for and everything in between.

Here's an example for you from my gratitude journaling this morning:

I appreciate how blessed I am. I feel so loved and full of life. I feel grateful for the people I have in my life. I feel immense gratitude for Brian's commitment to me. I am thankful for my mom and all the effort she is putting into our big day. I am grateful for my spiritual practice and how strongly connected I feel to my higher power and my true self. I am grateful for Gabby Bernstein and all of her work. I am grateful for the signs I am constantly receiving from my guides, like the "555" I just saw on that license plate on Friday right after I finished listening to the affirmation meditation.

My gratitude practice was 3 pages long but I wanted you to see the details and specifics I included in some of what I wrote.


On Friday, when Gabby's episode with the affirmation meditation was released, I skipped my meditation that morning because I had to get to work. I felt flustered and all over the place and as I went to open my podcast app as I always do on my way to work, it was that 5 minute meditation. I smiled so big because fuck, the universe is so good to me. I decided I would listen to this morning and night because it's quick and it boosted my energy so greatly that it felt right to add to my routine. That night, driving home from work I put it on again because I needed it as I was feeling negative energy from my work place. I felt so fucking good after and as I looked down on my dash, my mileage on my card read "1999 miles". I screamed "I FUCKING LOVE YOU UNIVERSE, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH".

I felt a jolt of energy. A feeling of peace and calm but also complete joy. I screamed to the universe without even thinking. I bet some of you might be thinking "Okay, this bitch is crazy." and that's okay, I get it. This might seem too hippie- too "woo-woo" for you. But this is my reality and I won't deny or hide the connection I feel to the universe and my higher power because I hope that one day you will allow that connection in for yourself.

All in all, feeling into gratitude and allowing love in create a beautiful energy and light inside of you. By doing this practice and choosing to feel thankful, you attract more opportunities to appreciate.

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you.

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