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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Full moon ritual

Full moons usually call for a time of rest and reflection. Unlike most full moons, the buck moon also symbolizes new beginnings.

For me, this is divine timing.

As I’m recovering from Covid, I have been struggling mentally, to some degree. Not being able to workout, not having the energy to edit my book or make a motivational video or keep up with blog posts. Not being able to fully do the things I love and keep up with my routine is detrimental for me. But in this time, I kept journaling that I feel a transition happening behind the scenes in my life. I journaled that I wasn’t sure what the transition is but I know changes are occurring under the surface.

I know this buck moon is named because it’s around this time of year that the male deers antlers become fully developed or “grown”. They shed their antlers before regrowth can occur. I love this reminder. This growth of the Deere new antlers can be thought of as growing into a new version of yourself which symbolizes you shedding the parts of yourself (or your life) that no longer serve you.

This full moon is also in Capricorn which is a sign that is all about structure, traditions, and discipline. There could be some way you have been living lately that has been holding you back from success. Sometimes as you already know in order to reap the rewards, you may have to get through some tough terrain first. This full moon is calling for change in our lives and it’s reminding us to follow our hearts.

This week while I’ve been quarantining, I saw a tiny baby frog on my sliding door as I was letting my dogs out. Something in me felt connected to this little creature and so I brought it inside. After a day, it escaped inside my house and I was so sad! I was worried one of my dogs would eat it or it would die somewhere in my house. The next morning, there it was, just sitting on my kitchen counter. I caught it again and decided to let it free because I couldn’t selfishly keep this little creature who clearly didn’t want to be caged.

Naturally, I looked up what frogs symbolize. I wasn’t surprised to read that they symbolize transition and transformation. An image of rebirth. It’s presence urges you to make changes whether it’s within you or your life. Frog energy is feminine and helps clear your body, mind, and soul. My heart lit up when I read this. I knew I felt some weird connection. I knew there was a deeper meaning behind this experience.

I do this very basic full moon practice. It’s really nothing special and I first got the idea to even pay closer attention to full moons from Rachel Hollis who has been a big inspiration in my life. All I do is journal. I take this an opportunity to go inward and become more self aware. One day I’m sure I’ll develop a more in-depth practice but for now, I’m sticking to the basics.

As my girl rach suggested, I added all the full moons into my phone calendar. Then a few days before, I do some research on what this full moon represents. Once I’ve got an idea of what this months moon symbolizes, I reflect. I have found that the effects of a full moon hit me that entire week. There’s a pre, present, and post effect. Anyway, I first assess where I’m at. How I’m feeling. I dig deeper than I would on a normal day and I ask myself bigger questions. What am I holding onto right now that isn’t doing me any good? What could I ask the universe to help me release that is holding me back?

Sometimes it’s something internal and others it’s an external thing that’s gotta go. I always, always, always take this time to release whatever fears are taking over my thoughts. Remember, what you think about you create. Fear is the most crippling emotion. It’s important to call your fears out by name. To acknowledge them. To honor your fear. Most of the time your fear is showing you what you don’t want to happen. Take this time to thank your fear for helping you reach clarity. And then release it.

I take at least 30 minutes the night before to journal. A lot of the time reflection creates a burning desire to take action. At the end of your reflection you can come up with a plan for the next day on one way (or more) you can make a change to redirect yourself in the right direction for you.

I will end this by saying I am planning on upgrading my full moon practice next month by doing a second meditation at night as well as taking a shower after my reflection to “wash away” aka release whatever comes up for me.

I hope this inspires you pay closer attention to our moon cycle and how it directly impacts your life.

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