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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Enneagram growth tips

Enneagram Type One:

  1. Show yourself some fucking grace. You are way too hard on yourself and it's time to let loose a bit. One way to do this is to become aware of your inner voice and the way you speak to/about yourself. Would you speak to your friend or someone you love that way? Probably not. Invest more time to self care, create a routine where you have an hour a day to yourself for yourself. Maybe this will help you not be so serious or uptight all the time.

  2. Understand that everyone does not think or act the same way you do, be patient with others. You are a natural teacher and leader but you tend to hold others to high standards and become resentful when they do not live up to them. We are all in our own transformation stage in life, you cannot expect people to change immediately, this does not mean that they will never evolve. You can come off at judgmental and robotic, learn to accept people as they aren to who you wish they were.

  3. Learn to control your anger. You bottle it up for so long and then you explode eventually or just hold so much resentment in that you give off negativity to everyone around you. You get angry easily and it's something you need to learn to control better because you cannot control other people and their actions.

  4. Hone in on how you feel. Your biggest problem is that you try repress your feelings which only causes more chaos internally. The first step in anything is becoming aware, once you are aware of your feelings it becomes easier to navigate them.


Michelle Obama, Steve Jobs, Tina Fey, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Nelson Mandela are just a few of the famous Type Ones and if that has anything to say about you then you are destined for success.

Enneagram Type Two:

  1. First things first, focus on yourself, I know I know this goes against who you are. But trust me, you MUST make yourself a priority in order to become your best self otherwise you will not be able to help anyone which we all know is your deepest desire. It's not fucking selfish to take care of yourself before taking care of anyone else because if you are not good then how could you possibly make sure anyone else is good?

  2. BOUNDARIES. Period. No seriously, you need to work on setting and maintaining healthy boundaries not only for yourself but for the people you love. This will help you prioritize yourself and prevent any potential overbearing tendencies towards others. ASK PEOPLE WHAT THEY NEED, don't assume you know. You are exceptionally gifted in your intuition but they may need assistance in a different form.

  3. Become aware of why you are helping people. Stay clear on your reasoning for being of service to others to ensure that you don't fall into the habit of expecting something in return when you help others which would cause major codependency issues.

  4. Be true to yourself. As a people pleaser you can conform to acting as other people want you to act, playing roles essentially. My advice to you is to practice showing your authentic self because I can bet people will love that true version of you more than the facade you sometimes put on and if they don't, they are not your people.

P.s. Mother Theresa, Dolly Parton, Jennifer Garden, Celine Dion, and Maya Angelo all are Type Twos. They are legends and icons in my book, find inspiration through them by maybe even going as far as studying their behaviors or work.

Enneagram Type 3:

  1. First and foremost my beloved Achiever, be yourself. You're true, authentic self. Bragging or dramatizing your achievements won't get you the recognition you are looking for. You don't need to play roles to impress others and even though it goes against much of what you may have believed, you are so much more impressive as your authentic self.

  2. The only and I mean the only way to avoid burn out is to take care of yourself and take breaks when you need it. Burn out is inevitable for your type because of your constant burning desire to achieve all the things. Please hear me, you need that break and it will most likely give you more energy and better ideas. Know yourself enough to know when to take a break and be smart enough to take it. Self care should be a priority of yours every single day.

  3. Make effort to engage in things that have nothing to do with personal development. Find a hobby, work on a project that you don't profit from, do something just for the joy of doing it.

  4. Slow down so that you don't miss all the small moments that life has to offer. You are constantly moving from one thing to the next and when you live your life that way it's easy to over look the magic of the little things in life.

P.s. Freaking Oprah Winfrey is a three!! The icon and my favorite, Lady Gaga. Beyonce, Tony Robbins, Taylor Swift, Tom Cruise, Arnold Swartz, Muhammad Ali, Reese Witherspoon. Mic Drop.

Enneagram Type Four:

  1. Chill the fuck out. Forreal, your feelings are not always facts, of course they are DEFINITELY valid. Don't get me wrong, I am not invalidating your feelings. The best advice I have for a four (advice that I have given to one of my best friends), AFFIRMATIONS! Create affirmations and practice repeating them over and over. Your negative self talk can be superior sometimes and can become so loud that it blocks out any good feeling thoughts but when you have affirmations written in the notes of your phone, you have access to good feeling thoughts at any moment.

  2. The second best way to get yourself out of that self-critical state of mind is to view yourself from the perspective of someone you love like your significant other or best friend or family member. What would you think if they spoke to you the way you are speaking to yourself? You would probably cut them off so quick and not even think twice about it.

  3. Avoid procrastination by not making excuses for yourself on why you can hold off on doing that thing you promised yourself that you would do today. Commit to productivity because if you keep waiting to be in the right mood, you will never be successful in whatever it is that you want to do. Chances are you are a creative in some way whether you are an entrepreneur, musician, writer, artist of some form. The best way to get your creative juices flowing is by staying productive so you don't fall into a negative slump. This requires discipline and trust me this type needs it the most and the best way to do that is to start small.

  4. Focus on finding similarities and connection to the people around you. You are prone to pointing out the differences between you and everyone else which causes you to feel alone. You truly desire deep connection so stop blocking it by focusing on the differences.

P.s. Billie Eilish, Johnny Depp, Bob Dylan, Winona Ryder, Stevie Nicks, Rihanna, and Prince are just some of the fucking BADASS type 4s.

Enneagram Type 5:

  1. FEEL YOUR FEELINGS. The investigators are the ones who use knowledge and the constant act of learning to avoid their emotions. The problem with constantly avoiding your feelings is that you bottle everything up until it finally blows and you're left having no idea how you feel. I am huge on journaling, I'm like a serial journalist and always have been. I highly suggest you try journaling for five minutes every day to become more in tune with your emotions.

  2. Just like I told the type fours, chill out my dude. You are always so intense and sometimes even uptight, it feels so good to relax. Turning to things to escape like alcohol or drugs does not count, I am talking about getting out of your head and truly CHILLIN'. Try guided meditation or working out or going for long runs.

  3. Learn to accept that you are not always right and when I say this I mean this with love. Sometimes you get so caught up in your own head and beliefs that you reject any constructive feedback. Open your mind a little and you might just find that someone has a more intriguing perspective than you. Lay down the sword sometimes, you can become quite intense and stubborn when in disagreement. Stepping outside of your comfort zone promotes growth.

  4. It is okay to receive help from others, more importantly, it is okay to ASK for help. Your independency will not be lost just because someone helps lighten your load, I promise.

P.s. It's no coincidence that Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Stephen King, Mark Zuckerberg, and Tim Burton are obviously legends but they are Type 5s, so clearly you have a lot going for you!

Enneagram Type 6:

  1. You are not weird or abnormal because you have anxiety. You tend to feel like something is wrong with you because you are more anxious and fearful than most people, but there's nothing wrong with you my dear. Everyone handles anxiety differently and you would be surprised to know how many people actually suffer from it. Your type is susceptible to escaping with alcohol and drugs more than any other type because of the degree of anxiety that you feel, so please find healthier ways to cope. Practice guided meditation, working out, yoga, running.

  2. Learn to identify your behaviors when you are overwhelmed because you tend to overreact when in state of anxiety which is understandable but its time to notice your behaviors so that you can correct them. Your fears are usually all in your head and almost none of them come true so try to focus on that when those thoughts become overwhelming.

  3. You must become more trusting in your relationships. Not everyone is out to get you or play you or fuck you over. Yeah of course, there are people out there that suck and might screw you over in some way, but you are not giving your relationships or friendships a fighting chance if you are constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, expecting disappointment only attracts disappointment. Have more faith in the people you love. You self sabotage some relationships due to your fear of getting hurt, so you distance yourself or keep your options open or worse you hurt them first because then at least the ball is in your hands. Build trust.

  4. Stop creating more problems in your life. Here's the deal, what you focus on you create more of. Your type tends to create self-fulfilling prophecies more than anyone else meaning, you subconsciously make something happen by obsessing over it in your mind. This will cause tension and problems in your relationships even if nothing is actually happening and it's all in your head.

P.s. Mark Twain, Jennifer Aniston, Marilyn Monroe, Woody Allen, Sarah Jessica-Parker, Julia Roberts, and Ellen Degenres are icons that are type sixes and just look at all they have done in life, you got this.

Enneagram Type 7:

  1. At this point you have most likely come to terms with your impulsive nature. Learn how to analyze with of those impulses you feel are worth acting on. When you are able to practice resisting your impulses you are able to make better decisions on what is best for you, thus living a better life.

  2. Slow the fuck down my friend, just as I said for the achiever, you will most certainly miss out on the small beauties life has to offer. Practice being present in each moment by mediating at the beginning of each day.

  3. Open those ears up sometimes, learn to listen to others. You could learn something or realize an opportunity or build a connection with someone when you slow down enough to listen. You can also use ore quiet time by yourself, solitude is one of the best teachers in this life. You are constantly distracting yourself with noise, it's time to go inward.

  4. Learn to see the value of the dark times in life. Sevens want everything right this minute, but that's just not how life works. Sometimes things go wrong and that's okay. The most valuable lessons come from the hard times.

P.s. Elton John, Miley Cyrus, JIM FUCKING CARREY, Cameron Diaz, and Steve Spielberg are just some of the famous people that are type sevens. Also, for some inspiration, look up Jim Carrey valedictorian speech.

Enneagram Type 8:

  1. Act with self restraint, which yes I know goes against your powerful nature. You have the ability to uplight and inspire people in a major way which is your true power. You are able to step up and take charge when people need you which is when you are your best self. When you are vulnerable and caring, few people will take advantage of you. Show your heart instead of your power. Your vulnerability is a strength not weakness.

  2. The world is not against you my friend. Trust me, as an eight I know that it can feel this way at times. You may feel misunderstood or unappreciated often, but many people in your life look up to you and care. for you deeply you just need to allow that affection in. When you believe others are against you, you tend to alienate them and then think to yourself "I was right!" when in reality, you pushed them away. I know most of the time it feels like you have the whole world on your shoulders, constantly helping and doing for everyone and rarely receiving it in return, but if you let your people in, you will receive support.

  3. Know your limits. As eights, we tend to push through everything in life and just keep piling everyones problems onto our already full plates. Most of the time, we are unaware that we. are even pushing ourselves beyond our limits. Not only that, but we tend to push others beyond their limits as well. It all comes from good intention but intentions are irrelevant when the outcome is negative.

  4. Allow others to take the lead sometimes. Yes, I know, you are a natural born leader. But sometimes, you need to allow others to step up to the plate when appropriate.

P.s. Martin Luther King Jr., Clint Eastwood, Serena Williams, p!nk, Aretha Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, and Winston Churchill are just some of the known greats that are type 8s.

Enneagram Type 9:

  1. Focus on your wants and needs more often. You are constantly going with the whatever everyone else wants in hopes of keeping the peace and not going against anyone that you tend to ignore your own needs and wants. That will not truly satisfy you. In order to truly be loved and give love to others, you must be authentic and true to yourself. By repressing your needs and desires, you stunt your own growth.

  2. There is value in conflict sometimes which would require you to be more assertive. Conflict can be healthy and deepen your connection to others, it's actually unhealthy to constantly just agree to avoid conflict because you are repressing your core self.

  3. It's okay that you sometimes have negative feelings. You tend to repress all anxiety or fears you have because you want to avoid anything negative, even internally. But your aggressions, occasional impulses, or anxiety are natural human feelings. When you repress, those negative emotions usually come out in ways you may not even realize causing tension in your relationships.

  4. Become more aware of your body by exercising. You are prone to neglect your physical health just as you do with your mental health. Exercise and meditate daily.

  5. Embrace change and be spontaneous sometimes. You avoid change at all costs, instead start looking for ways in which you can step outside of your comfort zone. Start small, ad with anything else in life.

P.s. Barack Obama is a nine, nuff said. Also, Alicia Keys, Morgan Freeman, and Abraham Lincoln.

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