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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Connecting to the happiness and peace within

This morning was arguably one of the best mornings I have had in a long time. It's funny because "I am having the best morning" is something I write pretty often in my journal. Let me paint the picture for you...

My obnoxious 3:50am alarm blares as I quickly turn it off. I'm laying in bed hugging my pregnancy pillow as my husband roles over and cuddles me which just instantly makes me want to stay in bed. I can see the full moon peaking through the space between my window and blinds. Ten minutes roll by and he gets up which inevitably motivates me to get up too.

Once I walk outside, there she is, the big and bright moon just lighting up the night sky which instantly puts a big smile on my face. I feel the chilly 54 degree weather which just sets the tone and keeps the good vibes rolling for me. I am filled with joy instantly just by seeing the beauty that the moon is and feeling the fall like weather. I head to the gym and have a great leg day but instead of walking on the treadmill I rush home so excited to take a long meditative walk outside under the moon.

The excitement takes over, I put my walking meditation on, and as I'm walking I'm instantly fueled by this energy running through me. Nothing else matters in that moment. No thoughts racing. No stress. No worries. No fear. It's like all of the negativity was sucked out of me and replaced with good feeling energy. Fully present in my body, feeling the connection to everything, gratitude pours over me. I couldn't help but smile at just how magical something as simple as this could make me feel so good and release all the fears that are often present.

As I continue walking and listening to guided meditation, the smell of coffee burning, the indigo sky starts to slowly turn to a blueish gray, night turning to day. The sun is slowly rising in no rush as the full moon is still shining bright. Not a worry or a care in the world. Not concerned with what people might think of me as the cars start driving by seeing me just smiling looking up at the sky. I start to think, man if everyone could just feel what I'm feeling right now... If all these people getting in their cars and rushing off to work could just take a moment to be present before hustling into their days.

As I finished my walk I went out back and began my journaling practices. Writing down every single detail of this morning experience and exactly how I'm feeling as the sun begins to rise even more illuminating the sky in the horizon with a beautiful yellow color. Nothing could take that feeling away, not even the blaring police sirens (a reminder that I am still in Philadelphia). I wrote in my journal: "If only I could just bottle up this feeling and give it to everyone I know". No matter how many times I have a morning like this, it never fails to amaze me. I'm in awe of the beauty of mother nature.

I wrote, "I'm not in Colorado, California, Arizona, an island, the mountains, or the beach. I'm just right here in Philadelphia. A place I often say I can't wait to get away from. But these moments are a reminder to me, I can access this feeling anywhere. Location doesn't matter. Circumstances of my life don't matter. The stress, the worry, the anxiety - it all dissipates in these moments.".

You can access peace and happiness anywhere, anytime, in any moment. By yourself.

You don't need that certain number in your bank account to align with peace. Yeah I know, trust me I know, money does bring security and freedom. All I am saying is, you don't have to wait until you're making multiple six figures to be happy. To feel peace. You can tune into that frequency right now. Today.

The energy I felt this morning, the energy that is still ruminating through me, didn't come from anything outside of me. It's a feeling I conjured from within. I don't have any more money than I had yesterday. I still have the same worries and stressors, I just chose to focus on the good feeling energy this morning instead of the bad.

Do you see what I am saying here?

You will find whatever you are looking for, good or bad, you attract it. This is why after you buy a new car that you never saw before, suddenly, you see your car everywhere and you think "wow, I'm a fucking trend setter". But really, you just brought this car into your area of focus by buying it and that's why you see them everywhere now. When you choose to focus on all the stressors in your life, you will find more reasons to be stressed throughout the day.

The more I leaned into this good feeling energy this morning, the more of that energy I attracted. I am overflowing with it now. It took over. It overpowered my fears that cause me to worry because I chose to focus on all the good in the present moment. Just as when I start my day off rushing around, feeling annoyed, choosing to ruminate in the negative thoughts, then my day will continue to be negative.

This is how it works. If you want to have a good day, it's something you need to choose. It requires intention. If you want to start your day off with the best energy, you need to look for it, to be open to it. Slow down and smell the roses, I get it now. That saying that I used to roll my eyes at as a kid, makes so much sense now. You want to feel happy? You want to experience inner peace? Slowwwwww down. Take a minute to look at how glorious the moon looks in the nigth sky. Take a minute to breathe in the fresh air. To listen to the birds chirping. Get up a little earlier to watch the sun rise or set. Take it in.

Happiness and peace are found within you. Not outside of you. Not in someone else. Stop relying on everything external to determine your happiness or lack of it. Stop expecting your partner to be responsible for your happiness, they can add to it for sure, but you must find it in yourself first. Stop waiting for something great to happen for you to feel good. Stop affirming when _____ happens, then I'll be happy. You can feel good right here, right now... TODAY. That's how you manifest your goals. You put in the work. And more importantly, you align yourself with the energy of abundance. What's the energy of abundance? Leaning into the happiness and peace within you today, regardless of your circumstances.



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