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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Burn out

What is burn out? Burn out is feeling completely depleted. Having no energy left. Burn out happens when we continue to pour from an empty cup. When we work work work, until we crash. When we do all the things without giving ourselves care and love.

I experienced burn out not too long ago. I started to feel the affects of it and then I got sick with COVID and I do not think that is any coincidence. My burn out, mixed with being stuck in the house, brought on my anxiety big time. If you've ever experienced burn out, you may not even realize that you have. I didn't realize until recently when I was talking to my therapist. Side note: if you don't have a therapist, get one. Lets normalize talking to a professional because it is truly groundbreaking and is not something to be ashamed of at all.

Anywho, you probably have experienced burn out already in your life if you are a hard worker, an entrepreneur, obsessed with making money, a mama, or if you're like me and have to work a job to make money AND work on full-time passions. I am a preacher of self care and I'm not just talking about a steamy hot bubble bath with a glass of wine and some candles. I'm talking fueling your body with foods that love you back, moving your body every single day, drinking mad water, and taking some damn vitamins.

Self-care to me also looks like, journaling every single freaking day. Meditating at least once a day to get closer to your intuition and higher power. Connecting on a spiritual level changed my freaking life. Reading books that inspire you, uplift you, etc. Doing things that bring you some motherfucking joy. I can't even believe that most of us have to schedule joy because we forget to take care of ourselves. What the fuck is the point of living if you are not enjoying your life? Hint, the answer is, you're wasting your freaking life if you aren't having any fun or doing things you love.

It's crazy to me that it's 2022 and we still forget about ourselves. If you are a mama, you need to hear this the most. Having a girls night out with your friends will not negatively impact your relationship with your children or child. Also, your entire identity is not wrapped up in being a mom. You are a badass human being who has needs. Another side note: if you and their dad are together, have a weekly fucking date night. If you're already trying to find an excuse on why you "can't" go do something that brings you joy because you have children, you are doing it wrong. You cannot be the best mama or daddy if you are not taking care of yourself first. End of story.

If you are like me and you are tirelessly working to get paid at a job that you know for sure is temporary and it's all about the paycheck and you are also working your fucking ass off to become an entrepreneur or writer or musician or motivational speaker or business owner or influencer or whatever-the-fuck you want, all while taking care of your household, maintaining a romantic relationship, making time for family, trying to squeeze in some time with friends... My dear girl, I’m speaking directly to you, this is your wake up call, you fucking better be taking care of yourself. You better be number one priority on your list. You can't create if you're just a shell of a human from working yourself to the ground. Open up that calendar on your iPhone (if you do not have an iPhone, are you ok?) and schedule an entire day within the next week where you will only say yes to things that bring you immense joy.

If you are a nurse or a doctor or a customer service agent or a firefighter or a cop or a lawyer or a full time student or a truck driver or a construction worker or a social worker or a gas worker or whatever-the-fuck, make some goddamn time for yourself my friend. Those 12 hour shifts every single day may be bringing in that DOUGH, but how are you going to enjoy your life if all you do is work, sleep, repeat? This week you better make some time in that schedule of yours to do something that lights your heart up and puts a smile on that beautiful face.

Okay, I know there is major enneagram 8 energy in this blog and I'm only slightly sorry for the aggressiveness of it (as a true enneagram 8). But I like you (love is a strong word ok...) and I want the absolute best for you. So please, if nothing else, just listen to this one piece of advice I have for you and go treat yoself.

As always,

have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you.

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