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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Ask me again when I'm a millionaire

In preparation for the new year we must first reflect on the year that will soon come to an end. As I sit here reflecting on it all, I feel so full. Full of gratitude. Full of life. Full of love. But this year has not been easy, as if any year ever is am I right?

My fiancé and I had one of the worst Christmas' ever this year. I won't give all the details because it's not even important. We had more empty seats at the dinner table than expected, a chaotic afternoon and night, and so much left over food and cookies we could (and should) have fed a homeless shelter. One thing after the other went wrong. I cooked my ass off from 3 in the morning to 530 at night and only 5 (including us) of the planned 10-12 people were here eating with us.

But you know what also happened on Christmas Day? We had a morning that was just us. A slow morning, where we exchanged gifts and got to see one another light up, which is our favorite. We also got to watch our dogs completely destroy their gifts in minutes. A happy home with immense joy and love. It wasn't until later on when things started to go poorly.

Here's the thing, you can focus on what didn't happen, who didn't show up, what went wrong. OR you can focus on the moments of bliss, who did come, and everything that DID work. Life doesn't always work out how you thought it would (honestly, it rarely ever does) and that's okay!

The glass is either half full or half empty and your PERSPECTIVE is what determines that decision. We were reminded of that lesson this year. I want to remind you of this as you reflect and prepare. What perspective do you want to have going into 2023? Glass half empty or half full? Even in the midst of chaos, grief, loss, hard seasons, you can always choose gratitude and choose love.

We ended Christmas night together in bed, expressing endless gratitude for each other and dreaming of our future. These are the moments I like to keep for myself and not share with the world but I know there are a lot of you that could benefit from reading this. So, I challenge you to find ALL THE GOOD that has happened in your life in 2022. This will aide you in going into the new year looking for more moments to be grateful for.

That's a no for me.

I don't want to share my intentions or my goals for this year quite yet. But I will tell you that I am saying "NO" to everything and anything that is not in alignment with my intentions and values this year. I am going all in on myself and the little family I'm creating with the love of my life. We all fall into the habit of saying yes to everything (even the things we want to say no to) and then wonder why we are at the end of another fucking year having not accomplished what we wanted to and feeling burnt out. I refuse to experience burn out again in 2023, I refuse to do the same old shit every year and expect different results.

Whether you want to become a business owner, a musician, an entrepreneur, a writer, an author, the best real estate agent at your company, the best mama or daddy to your baby, an exceptional wife or hubby to your partner, a coach, a speaker, the best manager, an influencer, a nurse, a doctor, bodybuilder, personal trainer, a cop, a Forman, the best truck driver, WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO BE - if you want to be the best at that, if you want to achieve greatness in that area of your life, if you want to step into the best and most healed version of yourself - then buckle up bitch. Stop being the yes girl or guy and start being the woman or man who respects herself (himself) and believes in her(his) vision so deeply that s(he) refuses to keep living the same old life.

Figure out all the things you will say no to in 2023 before the year starts so that you are prepared. Maybe you want to be sober so that you can be in the best shape of your life and the healthiest you've ever been, then you probably won't attend your weekly guys or girls night out. Maybe you want to save as much money as possible so you need to make a strict budget and stick to it. Maybe you are done fucking planning and ready to start doing, this is the year you will accomplish that huge goal - then you better start saying no to doing shit for free and escaping reality every chance you get.

It's a no for us! This is you setting boundaries in your life. As for anyone who tries to pressure you into drinking even though you already told them you are practicing being sober, tell them to stop (apply this to whatever you are saying no to). Your people should support you wanting to better yourself and elevate your life. Anyone who urges you to go against your decision even after you have explained the importance of sticking to this probably doesn't have your best interest in mind. Your circle is crucial to who you are and what you do, don't allow other people to hold you back just because the amount of time they have been in your life. Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed.

Ask me again when I'm a millionaire

I was texting my best friend today and we got onto the topic of money, I won't say exactly what we talked about because that's between us. BUT I will tell you a few things I told her. I am making huge changes this year and a lot of people are going to think I'm crazy and others will say I'm sacrificing too much, but I don't feel that way. I don't feel that I am sacrificing, rather, I am making crucial decisions to do what other's won't so that I can live how other's can't in 2024. I am GRATEFUL to say no to these things that would normally be an instant yes because I can already feel the gratitude for all the blessings that are on their way to me.

You can only live a truly abundant life when you align your energy with your desires. We can hope, wish, and pray for abundance and achievement all we want - but if our energy is not aligned, we will never get what it is that we truly desire (or something even better). We can't receive by trying to control every step. We can't receive by force. We can't receive when our energy is fear based.

My bestie texted : "I was invited to do weekly brunch again and I said that's a hard no"

To which I replied: "Ask me again when I'm a millionaire"

That's how I feel. That's why I can UNAPOLOGETICALLY say no to everything that is not in alignment with my values and my intentions this year. And just as a side note, I'm not chasing after the money just to buy nice things. I want big money so that I can make a difference in the world, give my future kids the best lives, give freely to others, and live my life to the fullest. The intention behind the money is in alignment with my values. WHEN YOUR ENERGY AND INTENTION AND ACTIONS ARE ALL IN ALIGNMENT, YOU ARE DESTINED TO MANIFEST A LIFE BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS.

That energy and intention drives your work. Your work ethic is a direct reflection of your energy and intentions.

Alexa play "Billionaire" By Bruno Mars.

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you.

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