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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Are you feeling overly tired right now?

If you answered yes to that, you are not alone and I am here to make it all make sense... Yesterday, October 25th, there was a new moon but just to make things juicier, we are also experiencing a partial solar eclipse in scorpio which will affect us for the next few weeks. And yup, you guessed it, eclipses can be extremely draining but for good purpose!


Think of this specific eclipse as a two week portal leading us into the Full Moon in Taurus which occurs on November 8th, a portal where things speed up. If you feel like life is just rushing past you, again, you are not alone. During this time you are likely to receive unexpected blessings but that doesn't mean you won't feel uncomfortable along the way. There will be major opportunities to change direction completely or too realign to your true path, but first, it's going to feel unbalanced. Overall, it's for your highest good so trust it, this is your chance to sit back and have faith in the unknown.

SURRENDER - RELEASE - TRUST... That's the theme for these next few weeks.

During a solar eclipse, I've learned recently that the shadow of the moon temporarily prevents the light of the sun from reaching earth. The unknown is not always a negative just as darkness does not have to be scary. When things are unknown or the lights go out, this is an opportunity to go inward to gain clarity. Eclipses are said to be the omens of impending change.

This partial eclipse focuses on your past and old emotional attachments...

It's time to purge bitches... Not like the movie you pyscho. A time to process all those old feelings and attachments that are no longer serving you. Process so that you can release. The past resurfacing is not a bad thing or something to fear, instead this is an opportunity to let go of these things that are holding you back and keeping you from becoming your best self. Release so that you can create space for the new.

Embrace the balance of holding on and letting go, building and destroying, accepting and moving forward. Life is a series of holding on and letting go so this shouldn't be surprising. A prime time for transformation is happening right now. Don't fight it or question it. Just move through it with grace. Allow the big emotions to come up so you can let them go and make room for these new exciting blessings that are on their way to you.

Whether you are into astrology or not, you are feeling this on some level. I urge you to do some journaling during these net two weeks and bring awareness to each moment. It's no coincidence that I have been writing about and making videos on the importance of accepting and being present. Go back and read my last blog or watch my last few videos on instagram for a quick boost of Inspo to keep you present and open to acceptance. Do practices that keep you grounded and centered. Meditate, journal, practice being present instead of future-tripping, allow the feelings that come up to be what they are so that you can release them, get ready because big things are coming.

If you clear your space now, you will be open and ready receive the opportunities that are going to come knocking at your door.

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you!

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