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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

All things meal prep...

Let me just start off by telling you that meal prepping is not as easy as people make it seem. I made a vow to myself when I began writing my book last year that I will always give my audience raw honesty on all platforms. In light of not sugar coating anything, meal prepping takes at least 2 hours and if you're like me you make a fucking mess that you then have to clean up afterwards (despite the fact that I am a chef-level cook, it looks like a tornado hit the kitchen when I'm done), but by doing it you set yourself up for a week of success

Okay, I know that sounds a bit extreme but I swear when I have meal prepped lunch and dinner for the week things flow much better. If you are anything like me and have a busy life trying to balance all the things then trust me, meal prepping is for you. I meal prepped on Monday this week because I had off and now I am set until Saturday. This week Brian and I are getting back on track by eating pretty basic meals and snacks.

This week we are having:

Breakfast: Green juice or protein shake

Lunch: Salad topped with chicken (Not pictured)

Dinner: Chicken (or tilapia), zucchini & pepper mix (or broccoli), sweet potato or rice mix.

Snacks: Mixed fruit bowls, nuts, protein shake

Meal prepping sets you up for success because instead of spending an hour or two each day to cook your meals, you're taking maybe 3 hours max ONE day a week. Right now I am editing my book, writing my book proposal, taking a masterclass, blogging, motivational videos, house chores, working out everyday, my morning routine which takes about two hours, and working a "9-5" job. All of that to say, I am freaking busy. I don't have time to waste cooking dinner every night when I get home from work. When I meal prep, I am able to work on my book, write a blog, or even read a fucking book while sipping on a glass of wine after work!

I feel rushed when I don't meal prep. I rush to get home from work, I rush to cook dinner, I rush to clean up dinner, I rush to shower, I rush to watch TV, just to rush to get to bed at a decent time. RUSHING AROUND GIVES ME ANXIETY. There's a reason why showing up early is on time for me, I hate rushing. If I am in a rush that means I cannot be present in the moment. I get frustrated and anxious and usually wind up taking even longer than I would have if I could just take my time.

Meal prepping also ensures that you are being intentional with what you are eating. I believe diets are BULLSHIT. Anything that is not sustainable for a long period of time does not sit right with me. But I do believe fully in the fact that if you are just mindful of what you are putting into your body, you will be much healthier. Meal prepping ensures I get the protein and nutrients I need and helps me stay on track. You better bet that if I want a piece of cake or some chips and queso, I'm going to eat it.

It's all about discipline. "How bad do you want it?". I ask myself this question constantly and even found a sticker to put on my computer as a reminder to focus when I'm working. Just like working out daily should be more about how it makes you feel than how it makes you look, same goes for what you're putting into your body. Of course, I want a fat ass, thick muscular thighs, toned-strong arms, a muscular back, and a flat stomach. But if I focused on wanting to look a different way, the gym wouldn't be my therapy or as enjoyable and eating intentionally would have the opposite affect on me. If I only did these things so that I could have the ideal body, I would never achieve it. I would feel like shit. I would look in the mirror and hate what I see. I would feel the opposite of how I want to feel.

Having meals set out for you for the week makes everything else easier. I don't have to think about what I'm going to cook for dinner. I just have to heat it up in the microwave which means that I am not like binge eating snacks while cooking dinner because that's what I would do. I'm starving an hour after work so if I'm coming home starving and there's no dinner already made, I'm more likely to eat something that's going to make me feel horrible. I hate going to bed bloated. If I don't have meals and snacks prepped for at least the days I work during the week, I'm much more susceptible to making a poor choice for food.

The only food I try my hardest not to eat is fast food. Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, etc. But, don't get me started on Chik-Fil-a because I am ALWAYS down to eat that and if I had to chose between dying and never being able to eat chik-fil-a again, just know it would be a tough choice.

Let's talk about eating "healthy" while working with people who pretty much eat whatever their heart desires. It's fucking difficult. My last job (the very toxic one that I will do a blog on at some point in the future) people were always ordering lunch which is TOTALLY fine I am not bashing them for their choices. But it made me being intentional with eating just that much harder. We also had other offices bring us food, snacks, desserts, all the freaking time. And I don't know about you but I can't turn down a chocolate cupcake. I did my best to show myself some grace though because there's no point in shaming yourself into a negative spiral because you had something you really enjoyed.

So, to conclude, don't get down on yourself. Meal prep to set yourself up for greatness and Be fucking graceful with yourself if you eat a donut someone brought into work. Aim to be INTENTIONAL with eating, ditch the work diet from your vocabulary. Look in that damn mirror and look yourself in those beautiful eyes of yours and say the affirmation "I love my body in every form", even if you don't yet believe that. Every freaking time you pass a mirror, say it. When you eat that stupid salad with that delicious chicken for lunch, affirm your gratitude. Tell your body you are feeding it nutritious meals because you know your body is a fucking temple. Because just in case you haven't gotten it yet, YOUR BODY REALLY IS A FUCKING TEMPLE!!!!!

If you're a woman, your body has the ability to create human life. If you're a man or woman, your body carries you through life. Your body climbs you up mountains, lifts heavy weight in the gym, walks you across beaches, allows you to feel pleasure like no other (yes I'm talking about orgasms, sorry mom). Louise Hay believes and has proven that your body can literally heal "incurable" diseases if you put in the work. You get this one body for the rest of your life, taking fucking care of it!

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you.
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