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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

All things Enneagram (overview)

Enneagram is the new astrology. No, I love both and surprisingly enough they are very different from each other. Despite my love for astrology, Enneagram has proven to be even more accurate as it is the best personality test as it is an emotionally focused system of understanding people. There are 9 different types and I am going to cover an overview of them all today. When I learned about Enneagram, I was instantly obsessed because not only does this knowledge help you understand others better but it also is a system that shows you the ways in which you can improve to become the best version of yourself. Each type is defined by a core belief about how the world works which drives your biggest motivations and deepest fears which shapes your your perspective about the world and the people around you

After reading this I HIGHLY suggest you go take the test but when you do, make sure you answer honestly. Do not answer the questions based on what you wish your answer would be and don't answer them based on what you think you should answer. This is just an overview over the next few weeks I will be posting more blogs that dig deeper, so if you want to learn more tune in later.

Enneagram Type 1: The Perfectionist/The reformer

Type ones value doing things correctly and set high standards which makes them obsessed with rules and paying close attention to detail. They are very self controlled, responsible and exacting. They become frustrated when things are not living up to their standards in all areas of their life. They spend a lot of time evaluating their moral compass. Ones often know exactly where they want to go and what they want to do and work hard to get there. This type represses their anger which causes resentment and regret.

Deepest fear: Being morally flawed, imperfect, "bad" people, corrupt, defective. This is why they are super disciplined and very hard on themselves and others.

Core motivation/desire: To be honorable and maintain integrity, to live a life with purpose and balance. The best and most correct way of doing things.

Key factors of Type 1:

  • Serious and to the point during conversations

  • Practical and frugal

  • Hardworking and precise

  • Overly high standards and extreme inner critic

  • Intense ability to concentrate

  • Natural teachers

  • Impatient which causes them to be resentful

  • Quiet and controlled

  • Organized

  • Feel responsible for holding things together

  • Sees anger as wrong

Healthy 1: They see the abundance in everything. They accept mostly everything for what it is, not what they wish it was. They have a good sense of justice and fairness and are able to understand people who are not similar to them. They achieve an ideal work-life balance and knows how to relax and enjoy themselves.

Unhealthy 1: They become out of touch with reality. They start to spiral internally and become obsessive compulsive. They will discredit others as a way of projecting because they want to maintain their image. Their rage and fury becomes explosive when their principles are questioned.

Enneagram Type Two: The Helper/The Giver

Type twos just want to belong and loved by others. They are natural caretakers and are very nurturing. They are eager to involve themselves in everyones lives which can cause problems with others. Two's rarely ever say no because they believe their value is based on what they can do for others. They are highly empathetic, they don't need to try to be friendly as it comes naturally to them. They have great intentions but can become possessive by doing things for others because they want to feel needed. They are the best supporters due to their strong intuitions. Type twos huge hearts makes them a magnet to other people. An unhealthy two can be manipulative to have their own emotional needs met.

Deepest fear: Being alone and unloved, rejection, feelings of unworthiness. They deal with this fear by taking care of everyone and making themselves central to peoples lives.

Core motivation: They want to feel loved and appreciated and needed which motivates them to give so much love to others.

Key factors of Type 2:

  • Approachable and kind

  • Exceptional team players

  • Very patient and nurturing

  • Genuinely caring

  • Open-hearted

  • Empathetic

  • Good intentions

  • Seeks validation from others

  • Attuned to the needs of others

Healthy 2: They are selfless who are fueled by freely giving their love without ulterior motives. They are able to communicate their needs to others without feeling insecure, creating a healthy give and take balance. They can understand when others need space using their intuition and will give them that space without feeling insecure which helps them build secure attachments. they know that their self-worth is not dependent on what they can do for others.

Unhealthy 2: They fall into a dark self-critical spiral, judging themselves harshly and constantly looking for others to be at fault. They try to control relationships and become clingy and overbearing. They play the victim card more than any other sign, who unhealthy they truly believe they are the victim. Then here comes their manipulative side where they will manipulate people into believing they are to blame. This leads them to fall into a self-pity spiral and they will wallow in their despair.

Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Type threes have a strong desire to distinguish themselves through achievements. They appear to be charming, confident, ambitious, and energetic. Deep down they are unsure of their self-worth and they seek validation through their accomplishments. Threes are very image-focused as they want others to see them as successful. They're known to be workaholics and are very competitive. They want to be remembered for their creations and for being the best. The achievers are typically smart and dedicated.

Deepest fear: They fear being a failure or insignificant, being worthless, being a nobody. They look for ways to add value and to win in life.

Core motivation: A need for attention and admiration. They strive for success in all areas of life to avoid any feelings of unworthiness.

Key factors of type 3:

  • Impressive achievements

  • Always busy and productive, their schedules are crazy

  • Determined workaholics

  • Always dressed to the nines

  • Makes great first impressions due to their charm

  • Great role models

Healthy 3: Kind and willing to help others. They are the ideal role model as they are inspirational, authentic, and confident. They achieve major success not only in their workplace, but in other areas as well. They're creative, adaptable, and have a great sense of humor. They're organized and able to take constructive criticism.

Unhealthy 3: They can become so goal-driven that they lose sight of who they actually are or what they really want. They can become very jealous which turns everything into a competition and one-upping others. An unhealthy three desperately seeks approval from others and when they don't get it, they spiral and shut down. When in shut down mode they become lazy and develop a low self esteem. When at their worst they will stab people in the back for their own gain.

Enneagram Type 4: The individualist

"Is it me, am I the drama?". I love type fours as my best friend is a four but yes, type fours are the drama! They are defined by their sense of being special and different from others. Type four are typically very creative, self-aware, and personal. They also have a dark and moody side to them, when their insecurities come out they tend to go inward like a turtle when they feel vulnerable due to fear. They long to connect with others but often feel that because they're so unusual, no one truly understands them. They can fall into self-pity more than any other type as they experience issues with melancholy.

Deepest fear: That they are flawed or lacking personal significance and are missing out on some basic aspect of happiness that comes to others naturally. In order to deal with this, they shine the spotlight on what is different and special about themselves.

Core motivation: Their desire to expressed their unique identity and individuality. They do this through creative work and over identifying with whatever they lack or their deficiencies.

Key factors of Type 4:

  • Very sensitive individuals

  • Strong sense of identity

  • Melancholy

  • Very creative and expressive

  • Feeling a sense of emptiness

  • Quirky and endearing

  • Highly inspired when in creative state

Healthy Type 4: They creative groundbreaking works of art that gets you thinking and hits you in there right place, like when you hear a song that you instantly connect with. They are honest with themselves and own all their feelings, as well as allowing others to see their true self. They are able to handle situations that may overwhelm other types. They can help others rethink what art should be. They are not only self-aware but they also accept themselves as they are.

Unhealthy Type 4: Here comes that dark and moody aspect I was telling you about. Their insecurities are loud in an unhealthy four. They become depressed and in extreme cases they could lose their grip on reality and turn to coping mechanisms like alcohol to hallucinogens. The search for something that is missing keeps them stuck in a downward spiral of negativity. If they don't become aware of their ways of self-sabotage they will continue making the same mistakes over and over. They believe there is something broken in them. In deeply stressed states, they may delete their social media accounts and isolate themselves, like the turtle analogy I used earlier.

Enneagram Type Five: The investigator

Fives are curious people so naturally they are able to focus on developing more complex skills. They are very independent but they become so preoccupied with their thoughts that they often become detached from the outside world. They enjoy understanding the way everything works in the world and they prioritize this over physical and relational needs. Type fives can be intense and even become high-strung. They isolate themselves but at their best they are perceived to be wise and ahead of their time. Natural introverts and minimalists, more than any other type. Fives do not care about social trends and do not usually conform to what others believe or do. They are accustomed to feeling like they can't do things as well as others. They spend a majority of their time thinking, contemplating, observing, and listening.

Deepest fear: They fear being overwhelmed by their own needs and the needs of others, being useless or incapable. They deal with this by detaching from relationships and maintains minimalist lifestyle.

Core Motivation: To be knowledgeable, capable and competent. This drives them to a constant state of learning.

Key factors of Type 5:

  • Appears to be lost in thought often

  • Detached from the outside world

  • Introverted and minimalist

  • They listen way more than they talk

  • Natural over-thinker

  • Rarely speaks without intense thought first

  • Great at setting boundaries

  • Asks all the questions

  • Gives insightful answers

Healthy 5: They see the bigger picture clearly of complex issues. Since they are naturally curious and dedicated to learning they are able to do their part in creating changes their environments. They are great inventors. A healthy five opens communicates their wisdom and knowledge with others. They are big on simplifying the complicated things in life so they are able to communicate in a way that is so clear and direct that most people with understand.

Unhealthy 5: They cut off everyone. They can lose grip with reality and lack emotional awareness which creates heated disputes with no obvious solution. In this state, they escape reality, choosing to believe they are better off without the people that they have lost in this process. They can become conspiracy theorists and stubbornly cling to those beliefs that they create. At their worst, they can become bitter.

Enneagram Type 6: The loyalist/The skeptic

This types main focus is security which they value above all else. They desire safety and tend to avoid any risks. They are reliable and extremely hard-working and dedicated to their jobs. This time is the most loyal to their beliefs and their friends as they are keen on fitting in. Sixes loyal nature makes them trustworthy but is also why they tend to hold onto relationships and friendships that aren't good for them longer than they should. They defend their family and community more than they defend themselves. This type is very logical and are constantly planning for the future in hopes of protecting themselves and the people they love. Their biggest issue is lacking self confidence and they struggle deeply with connecting to their inner guide. Sixes tend to have anxiety and they are hyper aware of their fears and anxiety which just creates more of it.

Deepest fear: Being unprepared and unable to defend themselves from danger and being without support. They try to think out every possible scenario and be overly prepared for anything that could happen.

Core motivation: Their need for safety and security. They seek support and reassurance from other people and hope to receive the loyalty that they give.

Key factors of Type 6:

  • Loyal to their beliefs and the people they love

  • Organized and great with finances

  • Well liked by their peers

  • Exceptional team player

  • Small circle of true friends

  • Clear communicators

  • Precise and detail oriented

Healthy sixes: They are caring and overly-generous. They are very thoughtful team players and can have positive impacts on their coworkers and work environment. Sixes are true hard workers and find value in whatever they do and are always looking for ways to improve their skills. They know how to defuse situations in times of stress. Healthy sixes build secure attachments and easily trust others. They can learn to accept them independence and express themselves freely through their patient nature. At their best they are able to let go of their fears and worries.

Unhealthy sixes: They are suspicious of everything and everyone. They become hyper aware of their anxieties and their fears which can become unmanageable causing false memories to form and may become untrustworthy of others. They may start to feel like everyone is against them in some way. Unhealthy sixes can begin to have a perception that danger is all around them which intensifies their anxiety which causes codependency. When they are fed up and overwhelmed they will project their insecurities onto the people (or person) closest to them and claim they have wronged them in some way.

Enneagram Type 7: The enthusiast

Sevens are extroverts and are known for their optimistic and playful nature. This type wants to experience everything possible in life, craving spontaneous adventures. They are always busy trying to avoid boredom and because of this they can overextend themselves which causes them to feel and appear scattered. Sevens are typically impatient and impulsive as this sign is most child-like in their adventurous spirit. They seek pleasure to distract themselves from any painful aspects of life which is why they tend to ignore their fears. This sign can exhibit signs of toxic positivity in hopes of distracting themselves from negative situations.

Deepest fear: Feeling stuck, being deprived, FOMO, which is hwy they are constantly seeking the excitements that life has to offer.

Core motivation: They want to avoid feeling bored and want to feel satisfied and full of life.

Key factors of type 7:

  • Constantly busy, moving fast through life

  • Has many different interests

  • Childlike nature, playful, and energetic

  • Glass half full kind of person

  • Optimistic and focus on the positive

  • Determined to pursue whatever their heart desires

  • Very popular

  • Out of touch with their inner guide

Healthy 7: They are able to stay grounded in gratitude for all the exciting and the more difficult season since they are able to see the value in lessons learned. Their energy is contagious and positively impacts the people around them which is what makes them so popular. Healthy sevens are openminded, fun, adventurous and determined. They are great at creating a work-life balance, ensuring that it's not all work, no play.

Unhealthy 7: Due to their ever moving nature they experience burn out which leads them to becoming over critical. They can turn small issues or mishaps with others into a huge deal. Unhealthy sevens can develop tendencies of a narcissist and in extreme cases they can become full blown. They struggle to know what they are truly chasing in life and can experience extreme highs and lows.

Enneagram Type 8: The Challenger (I am an eight)

Eights are powerful and confident in themselves, naturally resilient. They are assertive and decisive but also confrontational and argumentative. It's very important for us eights to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in which is what makes us so intimidating. Even more than standing up for beliefs, eights are big on protecting their people and advocating for others. Eights enjoy taking on challenges like no other type and oh boy do we love to challenge other people to be better versions of themselves. Eights are natural rebels and the opinions of others has nearly effect of their standpoints. We pride ourselves in being self reliant, goal oriented, and having undeniable will power. Challengers trail blaze through life in a bold way, holding our heads high and picking ourselves right up after getting knocked down. Natural born leaders, they are direct and not afraid to make tough decision or say that thing that everyone is thinking but is afraid to say. More than any other type, they stand alone.

Deepest fear: Being vulnerable and getting rejected, feeling powerless, being controlled by others. We cope with this fear by being strong and in control.

Core motivation: The desire to be independent and be in control, to protect themselves and others. They resist feeling or appearing weak and rebel against anything that restricts us.

Key factors of Type 8:

  • Independent and self-sufficient

  • Fierce and confident

  • Assertive and determined

  • Resilient and energetic

  • Fiery passions and power

  • Extremely stubborn and headstrong

  • Focused on having control

  • Protective of those they love and people that appear weak

  • Strong desire to make an impact

  • Natural leaders

Healthy 8: Champion for those who are weak. They are strong and confident leaders who can be the driving force for communities and causes due to their powerful and protective nature. They are committed to being their best selves while also being determined to challenge others to do the same. Healthy eights are generous and give intense unconditional love to their family and friends. They freely give advice and insight in hopes of helping others. A they learn to develop their tender side, they become grounded in gratitude and joy and drop their tough persona becoming vulnerable.

Unhealthy 8: They can become domineering and and aggressive, scaring others away. They can become addicted to pursuing power and control thus destroying anything that gets in the way of that. Unhealthy eights become stone cold and can force themselves into loneliness after turning relationships into tests rather than partnerships. They lose sight of their tenderness which makes them become frustrated with others emotions and feelings.

Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

Type nines want to create harmony and avoid all and any conflict and tension. They are trusting, accepting, and stable. Nines tend to be creative and optimistic but can also be too willing to go along with others just to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly. The go with the flow type can become stubborn as they don't wnat to feel controlled. They're devoted to internal and external peace above all else. They have the strength of eights, the sense of fun and adventure of sevens, the dutifulness of sixes, the intellectualism of fives, the creativity of fours, the attractiveness of threes, the generosity of twos, and the idealism of ones. Having qualities of each type creates a lack of sense of their own identity.

Deepest fear: Being too needy and pushing people away . They cope with this by submitting to what everyone else wants in order to be included.

Core motivation: Their need for peace and harmony and desire to avoid conflict and negative emotions.

Key factors of Type 9:

  • Zen-like

  • Calm, cool, and collected

  • Liked by most

  • Mediator in conflicts

  • Generous

  • Gentle

  • Optimistic

  • Stubborn in a passive way

Healthy 9: Natural counselors and teachers with a gift for mediation. Their desire for harmony brings social fluidity into communities. Optimistic and having a sense of self identity, understand they are a bit of everything. Exceptional communicators and patient enough to deal with any situation. Their clam energy is infectious.

Unhealthy 9: They become uninterested and unable to concentrate on any task. They believe they have no meaning in this world. They become procrastinators as a way of self-sabotage. Unhealthy nines don't have a sense of self and become disengaged. They may become internally self critical for not being able to establish a firm identity. The fail to set healthy boundaries, which leads to burn out and emotion exhaustion.

DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE TEST!!! There are many free sights the don't charge but if you want a full blown report, most sights only charge $10-20 and trust me its worth it!

P.s. Tune in later this week and next week to learn about the wings for each time a tips for growth for each type!

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