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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

Adventure always...

I have a faded tattoo on my back that says, "adventure always"

I got this tattoo when I was a 16 year old girl after my first solo trip to another country (it was also only my second time leaving the country). I traveled to Costa Rica for a month long trip with other kids my age from around the US and 3 counselors. I was afforded this opportunity from my mom who has always supported my desire to travel the world.

This trip changed my life forever. Exploring the parts of Costa Rica that tourists don’t usually travel to, getting to see the REAL parts of the country with a bunch of people I didn’t know. We traveled by small planes, horses, bikes, tractors, and shitty cabs. It's still my favorite trip I’ve ever been on. The affect Costa Rica had on me is everlasting. I felt more like myself than I ever had before on that trip. I got a taste of what living your life to the fullest really meant.

So many people I know have limited themselves to their surrounding areas. I am completely aware that some people can not afford to travel far but if you are going out to bars every weekend or spending $10 a day on coffee, you can afford to travel. So often I see people either just traveling to the nearest beach or the most common places in the US. I am writing this blog in hopes of inspiring you to branch out. Expand your horizons so you can experience the beauties that this world has to offer. Feel the sun beating on your face because it’s stronger in a new country or because you’re closer to it. Travel to a place that has weather that’s wildly different from your hometown.

In Costa Rica I learned all about sea turtles and how freaking glorious they are. I convinced my mom to let me get that tattoo when I got home because the trip was that amazing. I met some of the coolest and most genuine people while I was there. I got to see parts of the world I hadn't ever even seen in pictures. I traveled through the rainforest and got so close to monkeys that I could've pet them. I got to watch baby sea turtles come into this world for the first time. I patrolled the beach between 12am-4am to look out for poachers. Ate fresh starfruit right off the trees. White water rafted. Ziplined on a very sketchy contraption. I even repelled off of a 200 foot cliff (I'm afraid of heights).

I faced my fears on this trip. I got scared before I got on the plane to go, I didn't want to leave last minute. But I got on the plane and took the long journey through three airports before meeting up with a counselor who took me to the first place we stayed. I continued to face my fears that entire trip. Doing things that were wildly different than I had ever done before. Having fun and just being present in the moment.

Despite all the fun and interesting things I did on this trip my favorite part was the community service we did for a local school. There was language barrier but we did our best to teach the kids about recycling. When I tell you this was the most humbling experience I've ever had, I'm not exaggerating. These kids we're so full of love and joy, you could see it in their eyes. And what was crazy was that they barely had anything. They didn't need things to be happy. Not like in America. They were so grateful for us being there to teach them. They touched my heart in such a profound way and made me realize how I had taken everything I had for granted. This trip made me realize that life is beautiful and amazing and joyful without all the extra "stuff".

Traveling the world educates you. All we know is what we read on the internet or learn in a class or see on social media. We don't know how people really live in other countries or even other states. I truly believe in order to get the most out of life you must travel and see the beauties of the rest of the world. I went to some of the roughest parts of Costa Rica, we didn't stay in some fancy hotels or resorts. And I truly believe that's what made this trip. Don't limit yourself to your zip code or the surrounding zip codes. Travel and if you're really courageous, MOVE. I hope to one day be able to live down south. But regardless, I will travel the world.

Below I am going to share some of my favorite pictures from this trip. I hope this blog, if nothing else, inspires you to plan a trip that doesn't involve a resort. Plan a week long or a two week long trip to a new country and travel to the places that most people don't. I promise you will find hidden beauty and will get a much more fulfilling experience. If you can't afford that right now at least start saving and planning. Find a place you want to go and give yourself six months to save. You don't always need to know "how" as long as you know "what" and "when", let the universe guide you with the "how".

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