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Writer's pictureDana Donnelly

A little dose of reality

So, I know it's been awhile since I have written a blog but as you may know, your girl has been BUSY! And to be honest, blogging hasn't been a priority for me. Today, I want to give you a peak at what's going on in my life right now because I feel called to share the lessons I've been receiving lately.

If you don't already know, I did my FIRST live talk on my birthday. It was all the things and I'm so damn excited for future events with a newfound knowledge on my non-negotiable's. It was freaking awesome to be in an environment of bad ass women entrepreneurs, each with their own unique stories on what lead them to do what they are doing. Shout out NIC & Layla for hosting.

The day after my first talk, I planned to just chill out and take it all in. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans for me as some shit kinda hit the fan. A lot of changes have been happening with my immediate family members recently, big changes really... and it's been... a lot to handle to say the least. A lot has been happening all at once, which inevitably causes stress and overwhelm. But in this season where I have so many great things yet so many difficult things happening all at once I've learned or remembered a few key lessons that I want to share with you...

1. We, as a society, love to say we don't have time to do this or that. We don't visit our moms, dads, brothers, sisters that much because we are too busy. We don't do weekly date nights with our partners because there's too much going on. You can for sure think of some instances in your life where you swore you didn't have time to go do something or my least favorite line "I'll try to get over to see mom, I'll see what I can do, I don't know if I'll have time". I get it, in certain circumstances you really might not have time. But what I have learned in the last 5 days is that, we do have time. In each day I have gotten podcasts recorded, did my morning routine, gym every day, drove 40 mins in traffic to care for a loved ones dog every day, gone to the hospital multiple times, wrote out my weekly newsletters, posted content for my brand, worked my 9-5 job, did laundry, cleaned my house, meal prepped, got the rest I needed, and yet even found time in all of that to go swimming and set up my new podcast equipment...

All of that to say, you have time. You make time for what is important to you. Family is a high value of mine and in this season I am reminded to manage my time better and stop selling myself short by saying I can't or I don't have the time or the energy - because truth is, I do - and you probably do too. IT'S IMPORTANT TO SAY - My self care has not fallen off either!! LISTEN TO EP18 OF. THE PODCAST ON TIME MANAGEMENT.

2. A constant reminder that you can choose the hard life mentality or you can choose to feel good. I almost fell into a "hard life" mentality this week. Feeling exhausted and a bit overwhelmed - I started to dwell on the hard things. But then I remembered all of the good that has always been good. Life is only as good or as hard as you make it. Life is damn good, even on these days that feel long. Choose to lean into gratitude and into love. When you look for things to be grateful for or to love, you will find them. When you look for all the hard things, you will find them too. Life is only as good as you think it is. Listen to Episode 12 for more on this lesson.

3. You are allowed to feel the negative emotions. I gave myself space to cry and feel the negativity that was swirling around inside. I allowed myself the space to sit with those feelings and thoughts - you know what happened? I eventually came to a place where I understood why I was feeling those things and that helped me leans towards gratitude and love. When you dismiss your negative emotions and try to act like you feel better even when you don't you create a toxic cycle - go listen to episode 22 of the podcast for more on this.

It's no surprise to me that I am being tested starting the day after (really the day of) my first live talk at a self care event. I want you to start looking at the synchronicities in your life. Start becoming aware of the patterns, the signs, the tests. Don't forget to take care of yourself above everything else. Take care of your mental health. Take care of your physical health. When you manage your time wisely, you figure it all out, you get it done, and you feel good after. But don't be afraid to feel negative emotions - that's all apart of this journey of life.

As always,

Have a great fucking day and remember, you are entirely up to you!

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