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I'm Dana Donnelly


I am a 28 year old woman who has an insatiable hunger for learning, growing, and coaching others along the way. I am passionate about living life to the absolute fullest, among many other things. I'm a wife (newlywed) to my best friend. I haven't always known that my purpose was to coach others in this way. At one point, I didn't even know who I was as I lost myself in a dark place in my life. But from the ashes, I rose. I like to think I "burnt it all to the ground" in order to find myself and create this life that I am now living. I can promise you this, everything I do, all of my work is created in authenticity. I will forever show up as my raw self and sometimes that will look messy or chaotic in order to show you in real time how to put the lessons you learn into practice.


Hey fellow badass, 


In 2017 I embarked on my growth journey in the midst of a toxic and abusive relationship. After getting into personal development I quickly learned I didn't like the life I was living. Eventually, in 2018,  I was finally sick of my own shit. I had this AHA moment. I woke up one morning and looked at myself in the mirror and for the first time since I was 5 years old I actually saw a glimpse of the real me. In that moment, I had hope that life could be so much better for me. Although, this moment was years in the making, it was like I woke up that day from a multiple year long slumber. I had my first awakening and man oh man when those blinders came off, I could see so clearly. That was the first day of the rest of my life. I kicked my abuser out of my house and quickly began to find myself after many years of feeling lost.







After I took some time to just be by myself and navigate a new way of living, I met my now husband Brian at the end of 2018. After two years of being in a relationship, we bought our home together. I developed this morning ritual of journaling, meditating, and gratitude. A few months after we moved in, I began writing my first book. This was so healing for me. I jumped right into doing the internal work through daily practices, therapy, conferences, and lots of reading self-help books. Now 4 years later, I am more myself than I have ever been. In the last 4 years I have learned, failed, grown, and built resilience through all the best and worst moments. In just 7 years I stepped into my most authentic self yet, created my own podcast, wrote my first book, got married, and now have a baby girl on the way. I'm proof that you can completely transform your life, go from feeling lost and not knowing who you are to knowing and standing confidently in your power. I was once unhappy, lonely, blaming everyone but myself for the position I was in. Today I am truly happy, centered, empowered, living and loving life. This is possible for you too.

The mission and the vision

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My mission is to build this community of badasses where we can support each other on our journeys. I found my purpose of coaching others after rebuilding my life from scratch. I found that my purpose here is to use everything I have been through and the knowledge plus experience I have gained to help you transform your life too. I have created an online community, blog, podcast, courses, given live keynote speeches, and more. I coach on all things personal development but ultimately it all boils down to this same concept, stepping into your inner power and living your life unapologetically as you. My intention is to teach you, inspire you, and grow with you through everything that I do. I never felt like I fit in anywhere and in my community, no one will ever be made to feel that way. This is the space where you can shine and in turn, achieve healing and success - whatever that looks like for you.


A Business, A Brand, A Community, A Podcast

  • A community where you can be your boldest, weirdest, wildest self without being judged. Where everyone shows up authentically as themselves, whatever that looks like

  • Events where you can just show up as yourself and be loved and accepted for exactly as you are

  • Podcast episodes release weekly about all things personal development with expert guests

  • Journals, inspirational merch, and more!


Unleash your inner badass with us today.

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Relationships can be your greatest teacher

When I met my now husband Brian, we fell in love unexpectedly. We both came into this relationship with baggage, but really everyone brings baggage into relationships. We still had a lot of healing and growth to do individually. In the last 6-7 years we have had many highs and lows in our relationship as well as our personal lives. Our story together hasn't been easy. We have navigated many uncomfortable situations and profoundly difficult moments including grief of lost loved ones, betrayal, the pandemic, a new home, and everything in between. 


I always say your soulmate is your greatest teacher. They are a mirror which sometimes reflects your flaws and insecurities, unhealed traumas, and wounds you didn't even know you had. 


We are fortunate enough to have grown together and not apart through all that we have experienced. We have traveled together, tried new things, explored new places, achieved big goals, got married, and now have a daughter on the way.


Although our road hasn't been easy or traditional , but it sure as hell has been worth it. 

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